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3 Simple Tips To Build An At-Home Gym This Season

howard hanna tips to build a gym at home woman works out at home

With our busy schedules, sometimes getting to the gym feels impossible. The good news is that even on days when we don’t have time to travel to and from the gym, we can still workout from home! No matter your fitness goal, working out at home is a great way to help you stay active.

You don’t even need a full home gym to get the workout you need! You just need to focus on a few key essentials and to develop your home gym setup around those ideas:

Consider Your Space Limitations

You may not have an empty room that’s just waiting to be transformed into a workout space. If this is the case, you should evaluate the rest of your house and dedicate some part of it to workouts.

Once you decide where you’ll workout, you can begin evaluating what will fit in your chosen workout space. In addition to yoga mats, weight lifting equipment, or a treadmill, you may want to ensure that you have room to do these classic exercises:

  • push-ups
  • sit-ups
  • squats
  • lunges
  • jump roping

Only Purchase Essentials

Chances are that you’ll need to purchase some gym equipment for home to complete your workout space. As tempting as fancy treadmills or workout stations are, your wallet will be happier if you stick to simple essentials! Once you know whether or not you have the room to use them, consider the following purchases:

  • A yoga mat for yoga, Pilates, and stretching
  • Resistance bands for strength training and stretching
  • A kettlebell for weight lifting and resistance
  • Dumbbells for upper body work
  • Medicine balls for strength training
  • A foam roller for massaging tired, tight muscles

While you can always purchase specific tools to meet your particular workout needs, these essentials are all good initial purchases, especially if you’re building your first gym at home.

Shop Smart to Save Cash

Home gym equipment can get pretty pricey, so knowing how to find a good deal will help you build your workout station on a budget. Consider shopping online at off-price department stores, which offer discounted workout products and accessories. Similarly, big-box stores will provide cheaper options than fitness and sporting good outlets. While these stores may not have everything you need, they can certainly help you cut costs on many workout purchases!

We hope these home gym ideas help you start or resume your fitness journey this month! Do you also have any long-term thoughts or questions about how your workout purchases may affect the value of your home during a future sale? If so, we invite you to contact an agent near you to review things you may want to do, or not do, in your home this season. Our agents can help prospective sellers make a plan that matches their current and long-term needs alike!

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Tags: , Last modified: October 12, 2020