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Protect Your Loved Ones With Life Insurance

Life insurance is a fundamental part of having a sound financial plan, and it provides peace of mind and stability for your loved ones.

Loss of a loved one could mean loss of an income. Even worse, it could mean the loss of your home when defaulting on your mortgage.

No one enjoys thinking about the loss of a loved one, and as a result most of us are unprepared financially when it happens. How many times have you heard someone say, “If only we had done something sooner,” or, “I never thought this would happen to me”?

What are the benefits of life insurance?

The following are just some of the ways life insurance can help protect your family during troubling times.

  1. Life insurance can help pay for funeral expenses, unpaid medical bills, student debt, or other remaining debts after death so that your family doesn’t need to assume the burden.
  2. Life insurance offers a death benefit to the beneficiary of the policy, your family members, so that your family can maintain the lifestyle they were accustomed to or achieve financial goals such as homeownership or a college education.
  3. When using life insurance with investment options, it can help build wealth.
  4. Life insurance can also provide tax-free advantages to the beneficiary when they receive the death benefit.
  5. Life insurance can help pay for estate taxes so your family doesn’t have to use their inheritance to cover the costs.

Obtain peace-of-mind for your family.

Let us help you obtain peace-of-mind. As a full-service, independent agency, Howard Hanna Insurance Services can assist you in the planning process and in shopping for the most cost-effective protection to meet your needs. Our clients are paired with a professional insurance agent who will design a customized insurance plan to suit your needs.

Give us a call today at 412-696-0310 for more information on life insurance.



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Tags: Last modified: March 6, 2020